
I wear a skirt because "me sale de los cojones"

That would be our manifesto. We are not going to explain anything about gender identity or stereotypes or mention all the cultures and eras in which men have worn skirts, nor are we going to talk about the era in which pants became a symbol of freedom and revolution for women (very interesting story)...

In any case, to write a little more and not leave this so bare, we would like to explain the reason for the name #FREECOJONES as a brand/movement:

"Tener cojones" (To have balls) has a sexist connotation because the term has actually been used by sexists since forever. Obviously this is a contradiction because sexists are cowards and "having balls" is having courage and there is no one who has more courage than someone who steps out of "the pack" and breaks the established rules to be oneself. For that reason and because we don't like to wear our balls tight in tight jeans, we have named our project #FREECOJONES (a Spanglish that we translate in case someone thinks that we give away balls, no, they are not free balls, they are FREE COJONES).